
Addressing COVID-19 Concerns in the Workplace

November 23, 2020

Since the start of the COVID-19, surveys have highlighted employees’ concerns with returning to work during the pandemic.

We recognize these worries and have identified several ways our COVID-19 Solution can help address them.

Track and Schedule Sanitization

“45% report overall cleanliness as a top concern going forward.”

Our solution can help your business or organization keep track of and schedule worksite cleanings with pre-built digital forms and checklists. You can also easily create your own with our intuitive form builder. This helps ensure that safety protocols are always being followed.

Assist in Contact Tracing

“46% say quick notification about confirmed COVID-19 cases in the workplace is their top concern, which was even higher among younger respondents, 51% for Gen Zers and younger millennials (age 18-27) and older millennials (28-37).”

If there is a confirmed case onsite, our solution can help to quickly identify who may have come in contact with that person. This can assist in determining who to notify, so they can self-isolate or get tested for COVID-19.

Conduct Pre-Screenings

“Others indicated health and safety protocols and testing could be improved.”

Focus FS streamlines the pre-screening process with our user-friendly digital forms. These forms can be made available to employees, contractors, or anyone entering a worksite. Health and safety data can then be analyzed on the system’s dashboard for review and kept for reporting or contact tracing.

Learn More

The Focus FS COVID-19 Solution helps organizations confidently manage their pandemic response. Digitize your pre-screening process, monitor PPE inventory, track cleaning and more.

Preview the COVID-19 Solution


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COVID-19Health & SafetyWorkplace Safety